We Filmed Your Show!

Order Your Flash Digital Movies Here

Discounted Bundles & Packages

Get 10% - 50% Off when you order Bundles (e.g. Dogs, Bitches, Best of Breed) or Packages (e.g. Regional Show, National Show, Whole Show).

Our Discounts are set up so that the more video you purchase, the larger the Discount that is applied. So, Order More Video & Save!

Just My Dog

Looking for video of Just Your Dog? We can do it!

Tell us the classes that your dog was exhibited and we will do a Custom Edit, which will include YOUR DOG ONLY on exam, movement, and being awarded. The production includes titling, music, and ***Slow Motion Effects***!

Pricing starts at $75.00

Now Exclusively Digital Delivery!

Order Your Movies on Flash Drives

1. Standard USB 3 Flash Drives (Smart TV, Computer)
2. Lightning Drives (iPad / iPhone)
3. USB C Drives (new Apple / Android Devices)
4. Micro USB Drives (Old Android Devices)
5. USB > HDMI Converter (for Older TVs)